Ford Mondeo, Mazda 6: Soul Mates
In our market, powerful versions of these two family sedans look like direct competitors. After all, the relationship between the brothers does not always develop so perfectly as in the…

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Mitsubishi Pajero Sport: Jeep for "average" Russian
Choosing a car is a topic relevant for everyone who intends to buy it. With the growth of the material capabilities of our citizens, the choice of “car for yourself”…

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Nissan Murano: In Love Eyes
For such an expensive and powerful "SUV", designed in part to perform the functions of a business-class sedan, it is perhaps even too beautiful. But this will not scare away…

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rustic Japanese

Toyota Camry: the fulfillment of desires

“Toyota Camry” new generation replaces its predecessor, produced in Japan and the United States since 1996. Official dealers offer in Russia, “Camry” only Japanese assembly in three versions: with a four-cylinder 2.4-liter engine with a five-speed manual or automatic four-speed gearbox and a V-shaped “six” 3.0 liters.

“Toyota Camry” was a bestseller in the United States for several years and has every chance to remain them further. Why is Camry so loved in America? After all, there are cars with much more outstanding performance, bright appearance and an attractive price. Continue reading

Honda Accord: Playing Respect

This car can conquer you with one of its Japanese origin. Or a solid appearance. But bear in mind – there are features in his character, which are quite unexpected for the middle class.

The current, already the seventh “Accord”, which appeared in Russia in the spring of 2003, was a success. All that was needed was a good, reliable, convenient to his predecessor – to add a sparkle of sports image. Continue reading

Do I need to redo the right wheel on the left?
In light of recent changes in the right-hand drive cars on the car market is becoming more and more. And this is understandable - the Japanese cars have a lot…


Toyota Corolla Verso: Peace to your home
Like a meek servant from the East, she is ready to give everything to the benefit of her master's family hearth. But who is she really? Seven in the boat,…
