Mitsubishi Pajero Sport: Jeep for "average" Russian
Choosing a car is a topic relevant for everyone who intends to buy it. With the growth of the material capabilities of our citizens, the choice of “car for yourself”…

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Nissan Murano: In Love Eyes
For such an expensive and powerful "SUV", designed in part to perform the functions of a business-class sedan, it is perhaps even too beautiful. But this will not scare away…

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Toyota Highlander: Highlander
“Highlander” is a car for those who cannot buy a Lexus, but would like a car with the same level of comfort and wealth of equipment — short and clear,…

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Toyota has built a bright future

Toyota Corporation is going to conquer visitors of the Tokyo Motor Show not only with bold rework of existing models, but with a convincing demonstration of its capabilities in designing the transport of the future.

• Thanks to unique wheels, Fine X is able to turn around.
To demonstrate the superiority of Toyota in the field of “green” technologies are called Fine-X and i-swing concepts, built under the slogan “ecology and emotions”. Continue reading

Honda Civic: Ordinary Superman

The eyes are afraid – the hands are doing, so what? It is easy, however, to say … Right on the course is a 90-degree left, on the speedometer it is already over a hundred and you need to overpower yourself and tuck the second one in to turn into a turn on almost eight thousand! So and only so all 200 newtonometers together with very wide “bridgestones” will tuck the nose of the Honda inside. Sdreyfite, stay on the third – and almost racing hatchback corny begin to straighten the trajectory. Continue reading

Nissan Almera Classic, Renault Logan, Kia Spectra: From loaves to sedans
A bun for three pennies, a loaf for thirteen, half black for nine ... Even these simple figures are remembered with difficulty. Now a different time, different prices. And “for…


Toyota Land Cruiser: Unsinkable Off-Road Cruiser
The Toyota Land Cruiser-100 has been produced since 1998 and is still in great demand in Russia. And it is not surprising: after all, by the totality of the qualities…
