Tests a modernized Toyota Corolla
You can dream all your life about the Bugatti, and for decades to ride a modest car, produced in mass circulation. For obvious reasons. But to make such an offer…

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Toyota Highlander: Highlander
“Highlander” is a car for those who cannot buy a Lexus, but would like a car with the same level of comfort and wealth of equipment — short and clear,…

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Nissan Maxima: Maximum Nissan
The front-wheel-drive sedan "Nissan-Maxim" (in Japan, "Sephiro") debuted in 1994. Modification with a station wagon appeared three years later. This spring in Geneva showed the second generation of this model…

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rear wings

Honda Civic: Ordinary Superman

The eyes are afraid – the hands are doing, so what? It is easy, however, to say … Right on the course is a 90-degree left, on the speedometer it is already over a hundred and you need to overpower yourself and tuck the second one in to turn into a turn on almost eight thousand! So and only so all 200 newtonometers together with very wide “bridgestones” will tuck the nose of the Honda inside. Sdreyfite, stay on the third – and almost racing hatchback corny begin to straighten the trajectory. Continue reading

Mazda 2: City Toy
Bright and cute "Mazda-2" reminded toy avtomobchik. Made of soft plastic, with a whistle in the bottom - twenty years ago, my youngest daughter loved to play that way when…


Do I need to redo the right wheel on the left?
In light of recent changes in the right-hand drive cars on the car market is becoming more and more. And this is understandable - the Japanese cars have a lot…
