inconspicuous differences can become
Nissan 350Z: Ninja with Z sign
Most of the mass cars “Nissan” – “Primera”, “Almera”, “Micra” – are proper names. But an exclusive, a real ninja, in which a generation is already content with an index of numbers, supplemented with the letter “Z”. Maybe because it serves only to satisfy the driver’s passion and is not used for economic purposes …
Driver and passenger Continue reading
Toyota Corolla: In balzakovskom age
“Corolla” was the success of the company “Toyota”, a kind of Japanese “Golf”, not losing popularity for 30 years with all the changes in the model range. Last year, the ninth generation of the Corolla made its debut, but there are still few of them in Russia, but the generation that preceded it from 1997-2001. (By the way, the winner of the Grand Prix “Driving”) is widely represented. About him and tell. Continue reading